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Hogar De Fe Initiative


Lukes desire to ignite passion in others for the impoverished in Nicaragua is always the driving motivation behind these trips. Partnering with ORPHANetork, Hillier Ignite travels 1,800 miles away from home, to simply let children know that we care, to hug them, play with them, and most importantly, build into them.


Their educational and emotional growth, not to mention, the smiles on their faces, shows the immense impact we are making on their lives and how we are paving the road for their future.


To learn about how you can help support ORPAHNetwork 

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Hillier Ignite-Nica Team 2017 Summer
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Luke Hillier-Hillier Ignite- Nica 1
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Stephanie Hillier Ignite-Nica 8
Luke Hillier Ignite-Nica12

© 2017 Hillier Ignite

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